Friday, May 29, 2009

What is the Most Important Element of a Successful Website?

Not just any content, but content that people look for. Think about yourself. Why would you visit a website? Is it because it features some of the best search optimization techniques? Is it maybe because it's a marketing masterpiece? Of course not. What you look for is answers to problems. Provided that a site does have an answer to your problem AND has good search engine placement, it'll be presented to you and you'll visit and read it. Now, SEO helped indeed to present you with the page. However, if that page didn't contain useful information, it wouldn't appear to you, no matter how good the SEO techniques are.

A site's difference between success and failure depends on its content. If you create content that is appealing to others and help them you WILL get traffic even if you are not good at marketing (earning money, however, does not marketing knowledge).

But how do you determine what's good content?

If you're too knowledgeable on a subject, you sometimes forget that there are newcomers on your niche that need guidance to even the simplest of topics. You may be a swimming expert and write articles about how to make the front crawl perfect, which is great, but don't forget that there are new swimmers too that don't even know the basics of freestyle swimming.

DON'T ASSUME that people know, assume the opposite. If they knew, they wouldn't be looking at your site. Nobody knows everything and when we visit information sites, we go there to learn things, whatever our knowledge level of the topic is.

Ask yourself what you would want to learn when you were a beginner on your topic. How would you want somebody to have described it to you before you've learnt it? Try to UNDERSTAND your readers. Ask yourself their questions and make quality content providing ANSWERS to them.

You need to understand that a website's success highly depends on its 'ability' to solve several problems. This is what should separate you from the other webmasters. You're creating a site to help people and after you manage to do it, you then earn some money. DON'T DO THE OPPOSITE. Don't try to make money by helping people. I hope that you understand the crucial difference. If you motivate yourself only by money in order to help people you will fail because you'll soon get bored. On the contrary, forget about money making. Create a useful website, help people and trust me, money will come.

Find good topics on your niche to talk about and provide better solutions

The web is able to provide an instant answer to every question a person may have for just about any topic. However, many people are interested in the same topics and many also provide answers online. The challenge for you is to locate the people that have questions that you have answers for and drive them to your site. If you know a topic well, it should be very easy to find new topics to discuss about. Let's imagine that your niche is about "the best linux software out there". Now, you know that linux users OR WOULD-BE users are your audience.

Describe them the difference between linux and other operating systems software. Help them decide whether to use KDE or GNOME or other. Answer to them if windows programs run on linux and speak about wine and such software. Be in the mind of your reader. They are here to learn about the best linux software after all. Tell them about it! Don't just present it saying "wine - windows emulator" but elaborate, explaining why wine is needed and maybe tell them about compatibility issues and more. I hope you get the point of BEING YOUR READER.

"I'm not a good writer, I cannot create content"

Allow me to say that this is just an excuse. If you don't work for your site, who will? There's always the option of hiring others to do the work for you and pay them some money for their work. Although you can indeed get some quality content by the freelance writers, I believe that there's nothing better than writing your own content, provided that you have knowledge about it of course. If you do enjoy writing then you are already way ahead of others and have clear advantage. Be consistent. Create at least one new article or post providing answers each day. Enhance your website with content and search engines WILL know and drive traffic to you.

It's really that simple but bear in mind that it takes time. You can't have a successful website in a month unless you market it greatly and probably investing lots of money. It may need 6-10 months to really get traffic going. But don't worry, I'm going to let you know of the best search engine techniques that will help search engines find you faster and index you, thus driving you more traffic. In the mean time, write more content and head it towards PROVIDING SOLUTIONS and we'll soon be talking about search engine optimization.

If you are interested about information and various tips and tricks on creating your own website, pay a visit to:

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